Enrol in Singing Lessons

Cambridge Community 

Singing Class

Class Times:

Mondays 7.00pm-8.15pm

(Monday 5 August - Monday 23 Sept)



Term 3 2024: 8 Classes ($160)

(Drop-In Rate: $30/Class)


Cambridge Town Hall

Are you ready to sing for joy?


Our Cambridge Community Singing Class, based at the iconic Cambridge Town Hall, is an invitation to raise your voice and sing for joy. 

This positive and energising class is a friendly and relaxed singing workout with a range of different music and skills taught at each session.

Open for all singers aged 13+ (children under 13 must be accompanied by a participating adult). The environment is all about enjoyment and growth - no judgement, shame, auditions or criticism.

The idea is to give every participant the wellbeing boost and endorphin rush of singing together while also teaching skills that boost inner confidence in their voices.

If you've seen my work before you know that I think singing is a human right and I have a passion for replacing shame with confidence. I live by the Jo Estill quote "Everyone has a beautiful voice, you just have to learn how to use it".

This is going to be a great term of singing.

It will be fun. It will be kind. It will be a little bit mad. I think you'll love it.

Book Your Place

Whether you're looking to:

  • Grow your vocal confidence

  • Have fun making music with friends

  • Increase vocal range, ease and enjoyment

  • Enjoy the rush of endorphines and proven wellbeing benefits of singing
  • Get back into vocal shape

  • Learn a range of fun new music

  • Replace shame with vocal confidence

  • Claim some valuable "me time" each week

This class has been made for you.

Book Your Place

Meet The Teacher


Scot is highly experienced actor, director and voice teacher who specialises in musical theatre. A familiar face to Waikato audiences, his recent roles include Javert in Les Miserables, Mr Banks in Mary Poppins and Msr. Andre in The Phantom of the Opera. 

He has taught, performed and directed musicals throughout New Zealand for over 10 years, and particularly enjoys helping performers build self belief and confidence through through practical and repeatable tools and exercises.

Scot created and lead the Musical Theatre Academy programme at St Peter's Cambridge.  He owns a thriving private voice studio in Cambridge and hosts workshops throughout NZ including The Actor’s Voice, Singing for Non Singers, Musical Theatre Audition Skills and more.

His teaching style is positive and inclusive, with a special emphasis on student creativity and supporting a range of learning styles. 

Teaching Philosophy:

  1. Always praise, never lie.
  2. Kindness first.
  3. Everyone has a beautiful voice.  


Book Your Place

Our Venue 


Classes take place at the beautiful Cambridge Town Hall in the heart of Cambridge.

Our welcoming and spacious venue features gorgeous traditional architecture and timeless appeal. The main hall has ample space to support our singers and a beautiful acoustic from the high ceilings and numerous reflective surfaces - perfect for singing! 

The Victorian and Edwardian rooms are ideal for breaking out to practice parts before coming to together again to make the magic happen. 

It’s a dream venue for a class like ours.


Sign Up

Click the "book" button below to book your place in our Cambridge Community Singing Class for this term at our special Term Pass rate of $20/session.

If you would prefer to book a drop-in session for a single class, use this link.